Sunday, August 3, 2014

Tater Tot

Dearest Precious Children~

This morning you all woke early so we made it to church with some time to spare.  ;-)   Gigi played in the praise team and then sat with us for the sermon.  Joshua went to big boy church school.  Grace wanted to stay with us and Faith in big church. So, you two drew with daddy, Gigi, and I.   :-)

After church, we made a quick trip home for a potty break.  Then, we met up with Mimi and Grandpa Mike for lunch out.  You all ate pretty well but we still had some leftovers.  I know I ate too much.  :-P  

We were home around 2:30pm.   We all attempted a rest time, but that was unsuccessful.  So, after a while I just let you all play.  The only person who actually fell asleep was daddy.  :-P  My stomach did not feel well from lunch, so I just rested and read.  Then, we did a little photo session together.  I think I got a good photo to use on our 52 week photo project.  :-)

Everyone ate well for dinner.  As you all ate, I baked two casseroles .... one to use this week and one to freeze for when the twins get here.  We made a Tater Tot casserole with sausage.  ;-)   Daddy also cooked his lunches for the week.  So far we have 4 casseroles, 2 breads, and 1 soup in the freezer.  We'll keep trying to add one thing each week until they come!   ;-)

We played after but everyone was getting hyper or cranky since no one napped .... especially Faith.  You ended up falling asleep on daddy's shoulder around 7pm after a crying fit from being so tired.  Then you woke up at 8pm playful.   :-P

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you all so much!


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