Monday, August 4, 2014


Dearest Miracles~

You three were up early this morning .... so, we were downstairs eating breakfast early too!   ;-)   As you all ate, I also cooked my lunches for work this week and cleaned the kitchen.   :-)

After breakfast, we played in the living room and tossed balls to each other.  Then we played upstairs and I went on the exercise bike.

You all did art time at the kitchen table with crayons after snack time.  Grace, you're practicing drawing your shapes.   I draw a circle, square, rectangle, and triangle .... then you trace them.  Joshua drew some trains.  Faith scribbled.  ;-)

Everyone did well at lunch.  By that time we actually had some sun out!  I watered the plants outside as Grace and Faith did a dance party for us.  ;-)   I took some videos once Joshua was done eating and he joined in the fun.   Then we had rest time.  Everyone eventually napped though Joshua fought it the longest. I read next to you all. 

Once everyone was awake we did some puzzles before dinner.  Of course, a lot of the puzzles in our house are missing pieces.   :-P

Everyone ate dinner and I ate when daddy got home.  You three got a much needed bath before bedtime. :-)

Sleepy tight little ones!

I love you all so much!


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