Saturday, August 2, 2014

Blessings Multiplied

Dearest Angels~

Today was a rainy day, so we all slept in and had a relaxing breakfast this morning.  Then, we played in the living room and tossed the ball around.  ;-)

Once everyone was ready for the day, we made a quick trip to Target for some groceries.  We were home to cook and eat lunch together. 

You all helped us clean the kitchen after, sweep, vacuum, and even clean some toilets.  :-P   Then we played until rest time.   I read next to you all downstairs as daddy worked out upstairs.  Faith was the only one who napped.  Joshua felt some kicks from Coconut and Cookie Dough since I shared a couch with him. 

By 2:30pm it was raining hard!  Good thing we did our grocery shopping early!  ;-)  

After a snack, I went on the exercise bike as you all watched a Sesame Street.  Dinner was a little bit of a fight with Grace and Joshua.  Faith ate everything, but you other two took forever to eat.  :-P 

This evening we watched Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark.  I thought it would be too scary for you all .... but you all did surprisingly well!  :-)

Coconut and Cookie Dough .... you two were kicking a lot today.  It's so weird to think there are twins inside of me right now.  We're 30 weeks gestation and I'm still in a state of shock when I think about it.  How blessed we are to have you two!  I read something the other day that I want to share with you two:

"God touched our hearts so deep inside .... our special blessing multiplied!"

How true that is!  We planned on having a fourth child .... and God has given us a special blessing of twins with a bonus fifth child!  God is good!  We need to continue to pray for a heathy pregnancy for the twins!

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you all so much!


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