Friday, August 1, 2014

Camp Out

Dearest Gifts~

Today was kind of a cloudy and dreary day, so the four of us stayed in our pajamas.  ;-)  After breakfast, you all helped me sweep and vacuum the downstairs.  Then we relaxed upstairs and watched a Mickey Mouse.  I also went on the exercise bike.  ;-)

After morning snack time we went back upstairs.  You all wanted to have a pretend camp out.  So, I set up the air bed on the floor after you all cleaned up.  Then, we watched some Sesame Street while enjoying our camp out.  ;-)  I also picked some tenor guitar.  :-)

Everyone cleaned their plates for lunch.  Then, you all cleaned the living room so Joshua and I could have a game of catch with one of his balls.  You sure are getting better little man!  Grace walked around and sang for us while Faith played.  ;-)

By 1pm we were settling down for rest time.  No one fought me and the girls fell asleep pretty quickly.  I read next to Joshua. Once he fell asleep I closed my eyes too!  When I woke up, you all were still napping and it was raining pretty hard outside.  We had a snack and then watched another Sesame Street upstairs relaxing.  I picked a little more guitar.  Daddy got home right at the end so we all ate dinner together.  

This evening we ran some laundry and played some Mario Cart on the Wii before bed.  :-)

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you all so much!


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