Thursday, July 31, 2014

Water Play Day

Dearest Blessings~

Today was another school/work day for us.  You three were just waking up when I left for work.  Grace and Faith both got some more tylenol before school.

Today was a water play day for you all .... so everyone got to go to school in their bathing suits.  :-)  Everyone had fun playing with the water tables and sprinklers.  ;-)  Faith was the only one who apparently ate lunch though. 

I had a good day at work .... but it was also sad.  One of my coworkers (the one who just got married) is moving so this was her last day.  We had a special lunch for her and I brought in a cake.  I ate so much!  I didn't even have dinner when I got home.  :-)  You all were at the window to wave at me when I got home .... that was the best part of my day!  ;-)

Speaking of dinner .... Faith, you apparently stood on your chair and fell this evening.  You had a bloody nose, but nothing appears broken and you were playful after everyone calmed down.  :-P  I hope you're not too black and blue tomorrow!

This evening we all relaxed and you three got a much needed bath! 

So how did we do on our family goals this month .... lets see:

Goal - church twice a month .... accomplished 100% of goal
Goal - daily Bible reading .... accomplished 100% of goal
Goal - family outing once per quarter .... accomplished 0% of goal (but it's a new quarter)
Goal - date night once per quarter .... accomplished 0% of goal (but it's a new quarter)
Goal - photography, or mandolin, practice 3 times a week (mommy) .... accomplished 77% of goal
Goal - guitar/banjo practice 3 times a week (daddy) .... accomplished 92% of goal
Goal - read a book a month (both) .... accomplished 400% of goal (daddy) and I accomplished 100% of goal
Goal - exercise 3 times a week (mommy) .... accomplished 123% of goal 
Goal - exercise 4 times a week (daddy) .... accomplished 159% of goal
Goal - family exercise activity once a month .... accomplished 0% of goal

Not too bad!  

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you all so much!


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