Thursday, July 24, 2014


Dearest Miracles~

Today was another school/work day for everyone.  I gave everyone kisses before leaving for work, though you three had just woken up. 

I had an interesting day at work.  One of the Dental Assistants has decided to get married tomorrow downtown (long story), so we quickly threw together a lunch party for her.  We ordered Chinese food and decorated her operatory.  And, of course, we had cake.  ;-)  I wasn't hungry when I got home this evening.  :-P

Speaking of which, it was really storming as I drove home .... we had some severe weather!  It was raining hard with loud thunder and bright lightning!  Whoa!

Everyone got kisses when I got home.  You all had fun at school and learned more about dinosaurs.  Faith's class did a dinosaur class.  Joshua and Grace made dinosaur rings.  ;-)

This evening we relaxed in the playroom before bedtime.  The storms had stopped by then!  Woo hoo!

Tomorrow Coconut and Cookie Dough have an appointment.  Uncle James will come over to help watch you all as I head out.  We need to continue to pray for a healthy pregnancy!

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you all so much!


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