Friday, July 25, 2014

3rd Trimester

Dearest Angels~

Coconut and Cookie Dough had an appointment this morning.  So, after breakfast and getting ready, Uncle James came over to watch you all as I went to the appointment.  Grace, you were so cute waving to me out the window as I drove off!  It made my day!  ;-)

The appointment went really well.  First, we had an ultrasound.  Here are your stats:

Baby A:  2 lbs 9 oz with a heart rate of 152
Baby B:  2 lbs 7 oz with a heart rate of 143

The fluid in both placentas were the same, and both placentas were healthy.  You all are measuring 28 weeks gestation and we'll be 29 weeks tomorrow .... so pretty close!   You both are measuring larger than Joshua's birth weight at 30 weeks (2 lbs 4 oz)!   What a good report!  The ultrasound technician and the OB had no concerns.  My weight is 160 lb and my blood pressure was 108/70.  Our next OB appointment is in two weeks, and our next ultrasound is in 4 weeks for another growth scan.  Oh, and we're officially in our third trimester for the twins!  God is good!  :-)

You all had fun playing Mario Cart with Uncle James while I was gone.  When I got back you all were having a snack.  Once everyone was ready we headed out to Gigi's house.  We watched some classic Mickey and Popeye cartoons.  Then, we watched a Mr. Rogers Neighborhood while eating lunch. 

Once everyone ate, we headed out to the used book store.  They had the Lego Indiana Jones Wii game there so we got it as a treat to celebrate a good appointment with Coconut and Cookie Dough!  Then, we headed back home.  We got home around 2:15pm and daddy was already home since he worked a half day.  Faith, you fell asleep on the van ride, and continued to nap once we got home.  So, I put you in the toddler bed to nap as Joshua and Grace watched some Mickey Mouse.  I went on the exercise bike and daddy did yard work.  Faith was still napping when I got off the bike, so Joshua and Grace went downstairs with me for art time.  Once Faith woke up, we all had dinner together. 

The weather was nice, so we played outside some after dinner together.  Before bedtime, we played some of the Indiana Jones game and completed a level.  :-)

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you all so much!


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