Monday, July 21, 2014

Letter C

Dearest Angels~

You three slept in a little, but we still had time to eat breakfast, clean the kitchen, get ready for the day, and then play/go on exercise bike before heading to the library for preschool story time.   :-)

Today's lesson had to do with camping and we learned about the letter 'C' .... you all looked confused when I said 'that's mommy's letter!' .... haha!  I guess you all haven't learned that I have an actual real first name, and it's not just 'mommy'.    ;-)  You all loved the songs, stories, and of course bubbles at the end.  You all also got stamps as we left that were stars for camping out under the stars.  Faith, you started to have a hissy fit at the end when I put your shoes back on.  :-P

We got back home for lunch.  Everyone did well cleaning their plates.  Then I prepared and cooked dinner as you all played.  We made chicken, veggies, and rice.  You all helped clean up the living room and then we had rest time.  Faith fell asleep pretty quickly.  Joshua and Grace fought it.  It thundered some, but mostly just rained as we rested on couches.  Eventually you all napped as I read and rested too.

Once everyone was awake we made dinner.  Daddy got home early so we all got to eat together.  And, that means we got some extra playtime together this evening too.  We ran some laundry and relaxed in the playroom before bed. 

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you all so much!


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