Tuesday, July 22, 2014


Dearest Miracles~

Today was another school/work day for everyone.  The girls were barely awake when I left this morning while Joshua was snoring.  ;-)  Everyone got kisses before I left. 

Work went well.  My back was tired by the end of the day, but that's getting more typical these days.  We have another appointment with Coconut and Cookie Dough this friday, so we need to continue to pray for a healthy pregnancy.

You all had a fun day at school.  This week you all are learning about dinosaurs.  Joshua made a fossil, Grace had a dinosaur that grew in water, and Faith painted a dinosaur.  ;-)  Everyone waved at me as I drove into the garage this evening!  How precious to see you all wave through the window!  ;-)

This evening we relaxed.  You all got a bath from playing outside today.  :-)  And, we all played Mario Cart before bed.  Grace and I shared a controller.  ;-)

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you all so much!


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