Sunday, May 25, 2014

No Dishwasher

Dearest Angels~

You three were up relatively early again .... so, we made it to church with time to spare.  :-)   Joshua and Grace went to church school and had fun.  Faith stayed with daddy and me.  We sat in the back with Uncle James and Grandpa Jim and watched Gigi play in the praise team. 

Afterward, everyone came back to our house and we got some Chubby's Tacos for lunch.  Joshua and Grace didn't even try the cheese quesadilla, but Faith ate a good chunk!   ;-)

We played outside some after.   Grandpa Jim even walked Joshua and Grace up to the park briefly.  It was hot so we didn't stay out long. Everyone had some ice water once back inside.

Joshua really fought rest time, but by 3pm he and Grace were napping.  Faith continued to play since she took an earlier nap.  I read.  Daddy tried to work on the dishwasher .... which apparently decided not to work for us.  :-(

Once everyone was awake we watched a little television as daddy ran on the treadmill.   Then we all had dinner together.  You might see a few more paper plates since we have to hand wash things now.  ;-)

After dinner, you all helped us fold some laundry and then we relaxed until bedtime. 

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you all so much!


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