Saturday, May 24, 2014

Fun Day Out

Dearest Angels~

Wow .... you three were up before 6:20am!  Why do you all wake up so early on the weekend but I have to drag you all out of bed on school days?  :-P  Oh well .... since everyone was awake, I went down the road to a bagel shop and picked up a dozen bagels for breakfast for the next few days .... we're on vacation you know!  ;-)  What a lovely and relaxing breakfast!

Once everyone was ready for the day, we headed out so the boys could get haircuts .... aren't daddy and Joshua so handsome!  Then, we went to Target for our groceries.  After we unloaded and did a potty break, we headed out again for a fun lunch out at Chick Fil A .... we celebrated the fact that Joshua has been doing well keeping dry during the night.  ;-)  Let's keep it up man!  You've been dry in the mornings the majority of days for the past week and a half!

From there, we went to the brewery and saw Uncle Brennan, Aunt Katie, and cousin Felix.  You all played and visited.  By 2:30pm, we were back home for rest time.  Daddy did some yard work and I read as Grace and Joshua rested on couches .... Faith played quietly.  Eventually, you three all napped.  I did some reading and then picked on the mandola.  :-)

Once you all were awake we made dinner .... and as a special treat, we made brownies with sprinkles too.  As they cooled, you three had a bath.  Then, we had some brownies. ;-)   Before be some we played some more of the LOTR Wii game .... we've completed through the Fellowship portion of the books/movies .... on to the Two Towers.  ;-)

What a fun day out as a family!

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you all so much!


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