Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Good Blood Pressure

Dearest Miracles~

Today is Papa's 80th birthday (your great grandfather .... Gigi's father).  We had the party this past weekend on saturday, but today is his actual birthday.  

Today was also a Gigi day for you three .... so I got you all up early and at her house a little after 7am.  :-)

I had a good day at work, but my feet were tired once we got home.  My coworkers took my blood pressure and it was 107/59 .... yippie!  We'll have to continue to monitor it during the pregnancy.  

You all had fun at Gigi's house.  You all went on a short walk and played outside with Uncle James and Grandpa Jim when he was home from work.  Today was a hot day, so you didn't stay out for too long.  You all played some Nintendo games, had art time, and played with blocks. 

Joshua, you did well with Quinn for speech today.  We got some more homework.  :-P

We got home just before 7:30pm .... whew long day! 

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you all so much!


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