Monday, May 12, 2014

First Real Haircut

Dearest Miracles~

Wow, you three were up early this morning!  But, that was helpful since I needed to load up some things in the van for us to run errands this morning.  The girls helped me drop Joshua off at school and then we headed to church.  We donated some plastic crates that were on our front porch that we're not using anymore.  We're trying to clean up the house and those crates had to go.  ;-)  Then, we recycled the cardboard boxes that we broke down yesterday .... the church had a bin next to the donate site. 

From church, we headed to get haircuts .... Joshua appeared fine, but the girls were in need .... especially Faith!  I couldn't even see her face under those long bangs!  ;-)  Grace, you sat in the chair just fine .... I think you really like haircuts!  ;-)  Faith, this was your first 'real' haircut .... I've cut your hair before (and saved hair from that cut), but this was the first time a professional has cut your hair.  ;-)  You got to hold the combs which occupied you while the lady cut your hair .... and you did so well!  I was so proud of you all .... so, as a treat, we walked through the toy store next door for fun.  Then, we walked to Harris Teeter to get milk.  We were back home for a snack by 10am. 

After some playtime we ate lunch.  You two ate really well!  We went outside after and you all helped me clean off the front porch, organize the toys, and water our seeds that we planted.  ;-)  I hope something grows!  It was really hot outside, so we didn't stay out there long.  Once we were back inside, we painted the last little flower pot (which will be for the twins) and had a 'tea party' thanks to Grace.  ;-)  Faith was apparently in charge of the cookies (according to Grace).  Haha!  Then, you two did my hair before we had rest time. 

When you two were napping I went on the exercise bike.  And, I was even able to sneak in a quick shower before you all woke up!

Joshua, you had a great day at school today!  You all were playing on the playground when I pulled up.  Today was a hot day so your face was red.  We stopped at the water fountain before we left.  ;-)

We ate dinner once home and then went upstairs to play some Wii games until daddy came home.  This evening we finished the Tangled movie.  

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you all so much!


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