Wednesday, May 14, 2014

More Seeds

Dearest Blessings~

You three were up pretty early this morning so I was able to cook hotdogs for you all for the week and cook dinner as you all were eating breakfast!  Haha!  The dinner we put to the side.  ;-) 

The girls helped me drop Joshua off at school.  Then, we came back here for some playtime.  Grace wanted to have another tea party.  We also ran laundry.   Then, I quickly went on the exercise bike as you all played.

Everyone did well for lunch.  We played downstairs after with Legos before rest time.  You two both ended up napping.  I sat with you all, read, and also closed my eyes.  ;-)

Joshua, you had a great day at school .... you all were on the playground when I picked you up.  Today it got hot so your cheeks were red.  We stopped at the water fountain before leaving.  ;-)  On the way home, we stopped at Ace Hardware to pick up some more seeds to finish our flower pots. 

You all finished your plates for dinner pretty fast!  Wow!  By 6pm we went outside and planted our seeds.  We got Marigolds, Cleomes, and Forget-Me-Nots .... we already have some flowers growing in one of our pots from the weekend!  Wow!  We also watered everything. 

You all helped me fold laundry until daddy got home.  After daddy ate dinner, you three got a bath before bedtime.

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you all so much!


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