Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Nasty Weather

Dearest Miracles~

It was so strange getting ready for work this morning without you all .... the house was so quiet!  I woke up a few times during the night .... it's hard to sleep when you all aren't with daddy and me!

Today it stormed all day ... it was a nasty drive into work so I was glad you all were already at Gigi's house! We surprisingly had a good number of patients show up despite the weather. 

You all had fun at Gigi's house.  You all watched the Lion King with Uncle James and for craft time you all made little paper Easter baskets ... Cute!  You all had a bath while there and Joshua did well with Quinn and speech!  I'm so glad you all have fun Gigi tuesdays!  ;-)

It was great having you all here this evening .... our little family was together again!  :-)

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you all so much!


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