Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Dearest Blessings~

After the girls helped me drop Joshua off at school this morning, we came back to the house to play.  You all had art time at the kitchen table with pencils and crayons.  I made my lunch for work tomorrow and dinner for tonight.  You all also helped me run the laundry.  ;-)

By 10am, we were upstairs playing.  I went on the exercise bike for a little and then we watched Mickey Mouse.  :-) 

Since we had all that rain yesterday, the temperature dropped 20 degrees compared to what we had over the weekend!  We had to wear coats this morning!  Brrr!  ;-)

You all ate well for lunch.  Faith fell asleep right after.  I played with Grace until rest time.  Once you all were both awake we played with Legos.  Grace also did my hair.

Joshua you had a great day at school today!  Even though it was chilly, you all were able to run around on the playground.  It was 'chicken nugget' day so you ate all your lunch too!  ;-)

Once home you all had some art time at the table as I cooked.  Then, we went upstairs to watch a Mickey Mouse episode until daddy got home.  As you all watched, I quickly cleaned one of the upstairs bathrooms and picked some mandolin.  Everyone had a little bit of playtime before bedtime.

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you all so much!


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