Monday, April 14, 2014


Dearest Precious Children~

Today is great grandpa's birthday.  We called before lunch and sang on his answering machine.   :-)

The girls helped me drop Joshua off at school this morning.  Then we came back home to run and fold two loads of laundry. I went on the exercise bike as you all played. 

You two did really well with lunch.  After, we played with Legos and read stories until rest time.  Faith fell asleep pretty fast.  Grace curled up next to me on the couch. I set a little alarm and closed my eyes too.  ;-)

We picked up Joshua early from school since he had his last speech appointment with Gloria.  You did well little man!  You got a little certificate and gave Gloria a hug some you were discharged from speech!   Daddy and I are so proud of you!  You will continue to see Quinn for a few more months. 

From there we went to Gigi's house for play and dinner.  Daddy was working late and wasn't going to be home until almost 10pm from a conference downtown. 

But, once we pulled up I noticed we had a flat tire!  Ugh!  I unloaded you all and started on baths since you all were due.  By 5:30pm Gigi, Uncle James, and Grandpa Jim were all there.  Uncle James and Grandpa Jim helped me with the tire.  We took out the spare and the tools. Once the flat tire was removed Grandpa Jim drove it up to Firestone to see if it was fixable.  It wasn't but they had a new full size tire in stock (vs the small spare I had).  Long story short, I had a new tire on by 7:30pm after helping Grandpa Jim.  Gigi and Uncle James watched you three, gave you dinner, and then watched Frozen with you all.  ;-)   It was late once I brushed you all's teeth so you all ended up doing a sleepover at Gigi's .... which made sense since she will watch you all tomorrow anyway.  ;-)  I got home around 9:45pm to finally take a shower and go to bed myself. :-P   What an adventure .... but we were blessed .... I couldn't imagine all that happening in the dark or in the rain!  We were pretty fortunate!  God is good!  

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you all so much!


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