Sunday, April 13, 2014


Dearest Angels~

Grace, you woke up before 7am crying since you were thirsty.  So, we were all up and eating breakfast by 7:05am.  Since everyone was up so early, we made it to church on time.  ;-)

Today is Palm Sunday .... which is the sunday before Easter.  It signifies when Jesus arrived at Jerusalem.  It also starts Holy Week.  

Joshua went to big boy church school.  Grace surprised us and asked to go to church school in Faith's room!  Whoa!  Faith wasn't a happy camper to be dropped off though .... she cried.  :-P   Daddy and I sat in big church and watched Gigi play in the praise team. After church, she helped us pick you all up from your classrooms.  :-)

Once home, we had lunch and then daddy mowed the lawn.  After you all ate, we went upstairs and I did a photo session with you all.  I got a few good shots .... one was pretty funny.  ;-)

You all had rest time after.  I went on the exercise bike.  Then, we all went outside to enjoy the beautiful weather.  We played baseball, rode tricycles, and drew on the driveway with chalk.  You all are such good artists.  ;-)   You three also tried on your new bathing suits that we got from Target yesterday.  :-)

We all ate dinner after and everyone did well.  Then we relaxed and watched some television together before bedtime.  I even picked a little mandolin.  :-)

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you all so much!


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