Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Clean Van

Dearest Precious Children~

Joshua, you got some more medicine this morning since you were coughing all night.  Faith and Grace appeared fine.  The girls helped me drop Joshua off at school this morning.  Then, we headed to Target since we needed milk and diapers!  Ha!  We got some clearance chocolate from Easter too!  ;-)

Once we got back home we decided to enjoy the beautiful weather some.  I left the van in the driveway and you all played in the yard as I vacuumed it out and rinsed off the outside.  Wow .... it looks so nice now!  ;-)  Grace got to spray the hose and you both watered the grass some. 

You all ate really well for lunch after.  Then, we came upstairs to do some laundry.  You all watched a Mickey Mouse.  I went on the exercise bike. Afterward, we had nap time. 

When you all were awake, we headed over to the school to pick up Joshua.  He was running all around in the playground when we drove up!  What beautiful weather!  You all are learning about the ocean this week so you talked to us about fish and salt water!  ;-)  When we got home, we all played outside for 30 minutes to enjoy the fresh air.  Then we went in to have dinner.

After dinner we finished our Easter resurrection eggs .... we were a few days late, but that's ok. ;-)   You all had fun learning the true meaning of Easter and Jesus!

Daddy got home around 6:45pm.  Everyone got a bath once daddy ate dinner.  Then, we had a small amount of playtime before bed. 

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you all so much!


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