Saturday, March 29, 2014

Rain And Storms

Dearest Joshua David, Grace Elizabeth, and Faith Olivia~

We had a relaxing breakfast together as a family.  You all helped us do a few chores around the house before playing.  I ran out around 8:30am .... I volunteered around the corner to help out some friends for an hour.  I was back around 10am. 

When I got back, we folded laundry and picked up the playroom as daddy did the house budget. 

You all ate really well for lunch.  Then we had rest time.  Faith napped, but Grace and Joshua never did.  Once Faith woke up, we headed out to Target for groceries.  Today was a rainy day!  Grace and Joshua got hyper in Target since they didn't nap.  :-P  I printed some photographs of you all while there that I can bring into work to update everyone since they are always asking about you all.  :-)

We cooked dinner once home and you all ate well .... Joshua, you ate a whole can of soup by yourself!  Whoa!  ;-)  After dinner, you three got baths.  Then, we relaxed a little before bedtime.  

It stormed this evening .... I hope the weather turns nice soon!

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you all so much!


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