Sunday, March 30, 2014


Dearest Gifts~

We all slept in a little this morning, so we didn't make it to church.  We had fun playing after breakfast.  You all helped me sweep and vacuum the entire downstairs.  Then, we did a photo session this morning together.  I got a few good shots of you all.  ;-)  Then, we headed upstairs to do a few more chores.  We stripped the beds and started to run the bedsheets and pillowcases.  As the laundry was running, you three watched a movie with me as daddy did some work on the computer. 

Everyone ate well for lunch.  We had some playtime downstairs before having rest time and nap time.  I did 60 minutes on the exercise bike as daddy ran to Ace Hardware for some things for the house.  It was a cold and windy day.  So, you three and I stayed inside all day.    

Grace, you were the first to wake up from nap time.  I took you downstairs and you helped me prepare dinner .... we made a meatloaf with tortellini.  I was surprised at how much meatloaf Joshua ate! 

This evening we picked some guitar and then watched the movie Hercules together as a family before bedtime.

I got a text late this evening that my coworker became a grandmother .... her daughter gave birth to a baby girl!  How precious!  :-)

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you all so much!


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