Monday, March 31, 2014


Dearest Angels~

We had a special guest come this morning .... after I dropped Joshua off at school, Uncle James watched the girls as I ran to the doctors office.  :-)
There's something that daddy and I need to tell you all .... we're going to have another little miracle join our family .... and then another .... we're expecting twins!  I'm just over 12 weeks and the babies are growing nicely with strong heartbeats.  God is good!  This is why I've had some recent doctors appointments, felt tired, and some times sick.  We're due in early October, but the babies will come in September since full term is less than 40 weeks for a twin pregnancy.  We're having natural, God given, twin miracles .... which is so cool!  ;-)  And, it was a shock!  Daddy and I were completely surprised when we found out!
The twins appear to be 'DiDi' (dizygotic-diamniotic) or fraternal twins .... we'll know the gender/s in May.  Keep praying for a healthy pregnancy!  :-)  Daddy and I love each and everyone of you miracles, and we're so blessed that God is giving us two more! 

Joshua and Grace appear to understand what's going on .... you all know that two babies are in mommy's belly.  And you all have named them 'Cookie Dough' and 'Coconut' .... haha!  ;-)

As a thank you, we took Uncle James to lunch for fun.  Then, he helped us drop some stuff off at Gigi's house.  You all are going to have Gigi/Uncle James Tuesdays for the next few months and I'll be dropping you 3 off at her house early tomorrow morning!

We made a quick stop at Target on the way home .... I printed another picture of you all and one that shows the twins to show my coworkers .... I'll disclose everything to them tomorrow and I wonder who will think it's an April Fools joke!  Ha!  ;-)

Once home, Faith took a nap.  Grace helped me cook my work lunches.  Then she drew and pretended she was a pirate.  ;-)

Joshua you had a great day at school today.  We told one of your teachers that we were expecting some babies.  ;-)

Once home you three cleaned your plates for dinner.  Then we went upstairs for playtime until daddy got home.

So, how did we do for our family goals this month?

Goal - church twice a month .... accomplished 100% of goal
Goal - daily Bible reading .... accomplished 100% of goal
Goal - family outing once per quarter .... accomplished 100% of goal -- nice beach trip!
Goal - date night once per quarter .... accomplished 100% of goal
Goal - photography, or mandolin, practice 3 times a week (mommy) .... accomplished 92% of goal
Goal - guitar/banjo practice 3 times a week (daddy) .... accomplished 77% of goal
Goal - read a book a month (both) .... accomplished 800% of goal (daddy -- overachiever don't you think?  Haha!) and I accomplished 100% of goal
Goal - exercise 3 times a week (mommy) .... accomplished 69% of goal 
Goal - exercise 4 times a week (daddy) .... accomplished 100% of goal (and completed a half marathon!)
Goal - family exercise activity once a month .... accomplished 0% (too cold for walks)
 Pretty good!
Sleep tight little ones!
 I love you all so much!

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