Friday, March 28, 2014

Fun Photo Session

Dearest Blessings~

The girls helped me drop Joshua off at school this morning.  One of your classmates got there the same time we did and you all were talking and walking together in the hallway.  It was so cute!

Once we got back home, the girls had a little snack.  Then, we went upstairs to play and run some laundry.  I did 60 minutes on the exercise bike too.  ;-)

You all did well for lunch. Grace, you shared your blueberries with Faith .... that was sweet. 

After, we had art and craft time.  Grace practiced with her safety scissors and colored with crayons .... you made a pirate map.   ;-)   Faith, you are very good at dropping crayons onto the floor .... at least you helped pick them all up!  ;-)   I worked on some signs to use for our next photo session.  :-)

By 12:45pm we were having rest time on the couches downstairs.  Faith fell asleep pretty quickly.  Grace eventually fell asleep.  I closed my eyes a little too, but then went upstairs to do some chores. 

Once you all were awake we read some stories and played.  Then, we picked up Joshua.  Your show and share related to the letter 'V' this week, so you brought Grace's 'Violet Puppy' to school (her name is Violet and it's on her collar).   ;-)

You all helped me with a fun photo session this afternoon.  I had a blast getting you all to do different facial expressions for me for the camera!  We used the signs I made earlier during art time. 

You all cleaned your plates for dinner. Then, we played upstairs and watched the movie Turbo until daddy got home right before bedtime.

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you all so much!


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