Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Dearest Miracles~

At breakfast, we had a little photo session together.  I took a picture of you all eating your cheerios, and I think I got a good one to add to our 52 week photo project.  ;-) 

Since it's suppose to be a rainy day today, we headed out early to get our errands done.  We headed to Target and got a few groceries since we had no milk in the house.  You three behaved yourselves and each got a cookie.  :-)  Then, we headed back home for a little bit of play time before lunch. 

As we were eating lunch, the yard company, Fairway Green, came to put lime down.   When he pulled up, you all said "Mommy, a guy's here to fix our weeds" .... not, "our yard" or "our grass" .... straight up weeds.    :-P   Oh my!

After he left, we had story and rest time.  Faith, surprisingly did not fit me this time.  :-P  You went right to sleep in your pack and play.  Grace and Joshua took the couches and looked through books while resting.  Grace eventually took a nap while Joshua fought it.  I read next to him and then closed my eyes after both girls were napping.  Joshua, you ended up napping, but you fell asleep late.  In fact, I started cooking dinner and set the table while you were still napping and the girls were playing.  :-P

We went upstairs to play until daddy got home.  I went on the exercise bike.  Then, we all ate dinner when daddy got here.  You three got a much needed bath before bedtime.  ;-)

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you all so much!


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