Thursday, July 17, 2014

Home Early

Dearest Blessings~

You three were all asleep when I left for work this morning!  Whoa!  I gave you all light kisses and said 'I love you' before leaving. 

Work was busy this morning.  Then, I had a lunch meeting.  Afterward, things calmed down since the afternoon was blocked on the schedule for one of our quarterly providers meetings.  But, it was changed to a 'social' at a restaurant .... so I 'bailed' so I could pick you all up from school since I haven't been involved in school since the beginning of June!   I told my coworkers I was tired and just needed to put my feet up .... which wasn't a lie, but I mostly just wanted to see you all instead of going to the event.  ;-)

Good thing I ran into Joshua's old teacher since I didn't exactly know where everyone's classroom was!  Haha!  It was fun seeing your smiling faces when I walked through the door.  Everyone got a good report!  Faith, you didn't even cry when you were dropped off this morning!  

I met one of Joshua's new teachers and both of Grace's new teachers.  Grace, your teacher mentioned that you have talked a lot about Coconut and Cookie Dough!  Haha!

Oh, Faith, you say 'wawa' now for water.  ;-)

Daddy got home at the same time as we did so we all ate dinner together. This evening we ran laundry and relaxed. 

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you all so much!


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