Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Summer Fun

Dearest Gifts~

This was your last Gigi day since next week you three start school .... but I'm sure we'll have plenty of other times and opportunities to go over there to have fun!  We've been really blessed that Gigi was able to watch you all these past tuesdays for two and a half months .... and I know you all will miss it.  We'll have to find some other times to get together and maybe have more sleep overs.  ;-)

You all were awake early today!  So, I got you all to Gigi's house early.  You all had fun playing and for craft time you all made ocean scenes with paper .... I saw crabs and fish .... how cute!  Gigi and Uncle James got you all a little pool and you all had some 'summer fun' in the water on the back deck.  ;-)  I kept it a surprise for you all, but packed your bathing suits when you all weren't looking.  :-)  How fun!

Joshua, you did well with Quinn.  We have some more homework.  We'll have to see what works with her schedule for future appointments since you'll be in school next tuesdays. 

Also Joshua, you and Grandpa Jim played football this afternoon .... you caught the football 9 times!  Wow!  Faith, you were apparently this afternoon when Grace was napping .... Uncle James said you kept climbing up the futon where Grace was and kept poking Grace.  Then, you would smile and climb down.  :-P  How funny! 

I had a good day at work, but was tired when I picked you all up.  We got home around 7:30pm.  Daddy was already there.  We cleaned up the kitchen and did some things around the house before bedtime. 

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you all so much!


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