Thursday, June 5, 2014

Star Wars Wii

Dearest Precious Children~

Today was your last planned daddy day for a while since you all start school next week.   This weekend we'll pack your little bags and make sure everyone has what they need.  You all were awake when I left for work this morning, so everyone got kisses.  ;-)  I made a quick stop at Gigi's house on the way into work to pick up an extra carseat .... we're going to need it soon in daddy's car.  :-P

I had a good day at work.  They had a presentation at the end of the day.  Bad news is that I had to stand for it and was tired at the end.  The good news was that I got to leave early so I was home 1.5 hours earlier than I normally would have been!  Woo hoo! 

Everyone got kisses when I got home.  You all told me about your day.  Grace, you spilled your milk.  Faith, you were the only one who napped.  You all played outside for a little between the rain showers we had today.  ;-) 

Everyone ate well for dinner.  Afterward, we all relaxed in the playroom and played some more of the Star Wars Wii game before bed. 

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you all so much!


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