Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Dearest Joshua David, Grace Elizabeth, Faith Olivia, Coconut, and Cookie Dough~

After breakfast, you all helped me clean up the playroom so we could have a photo session.  Faith was borderline cooperative, but I think I got one to add to our 52 week photo project.  ;-)  Then, we watched our DVD that we got from the library on monday .... it taught us about 'saving' and 'sharing' with Elmo.  :-)   Then, we watched some muppets as I went on the exercise bike.  ;-)

You all ate well for lunch.  I checked the front porch and swept it.  We had no breeze and it was already 90 degrees. So we had a dance party in the living room instead of pool time.  We'll have to see if it's a little cooler on Friday, or at least have a breeze.  :-P

By 1:30pm we had rest time in the living room.   The girls fell asleep pretty quickly. Joshua eventually napped too. I read and then closed my eyes.  ;-)

Once everyone was awake we cooked dinner.  Grace ate everything with no fuse.  It took Joshua 3 triple the time to eat with fuss.  Faith had a hissy the entire dinner time.  Needless to say dinner was less than spectacular with you three this evening. 

We ended up watching some soccer until daddy got home.  Once he got home, he and I ate dinner as you all had a treat.  Then we relaxed until bedtime. 

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you all so much!


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