Thursday, June 19, 2014

Lots Of Patients

Dearest Precious Children~

Today was another school day for you three.  I helped you all get dressed this morning and you all were eating breakfast when I was leaving.  You all got kisses before I left. 

Grace, we had a talk with you to try new foods and eat more at school.  You need to eat more while there.  Faith, you cried again at drop off .... I hope you adjust better soon.  Joshua, you started playing immediately.  ;-)

Work was busy .... I was the only DDS so I saw a lot of patients.  I saw 23 total and left some progress notes to complete for next week.  My feet were tired when I got home.  :-P

Everyone got kisses when I got home.  You all had a good day .... Faith had a few teary moments.  Joshua and Grace had some special visitors .... a 'jungle adventure' woman and she brought a lot of animals .... bunny, box turtle, corn snake, lizards, frogs, hissing roach, etc.  Joshua held part of the snake!  Wow! 

This evening we watched some more soccer, ran laundry, and relaxed.  :-)

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you all so much!


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