Sunday, June 1, 2014

Phantom Menace

Dearest Miracles~

We took today off from church and just relaxed this morning at the house.  We got a few chores done around the house.  And, daddy ordered a new dishwasher .... hopefully it will be here by the end of the week.   ;-)

By mid morning we took a family walk down the greenway.  We walked for 80 minutes .... whew!  Faith fell asleep in the stroller on the way back next to Grace.  Joshua, you were in the wagon.  We went over several bridges and saw walkers, cyclists, a roller blader, joggers, and one deer!   ;-)

Once we got back home, daddy and I worked on cooking while you all ate lunch.  I made a meatloaf for tonight and baked potatoes for my lunches this week.  Daddy cooked his lunches for the week too.  

Faith, we converted your crib to a toddler bed this afternoon .... hopefully you'll be excited to sleep in it more .... you've been crawling into our bed every night.

This afternoon we ran laundry and then made popcorn and watched Star Wars Episode One: The Phantom Menace.  Joshua liked the pod racing and fighting.   ;-)

After dinner we played downstairs.  Grace, Joshua, Faith, and I all pretended to be on the phone with each other .... using Legos.   It was so funny and cute!  I enjoy little times like that playing together and giggling.  You all are such blessings!

Sleep right little ones!

I love you all so much!


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