Saturday, May 31, 2014

Big Boy Underwear 24/7

Dearest Blessings~

Joshua woke up dry wearing his big boy underwear through the night!  Wow!  Daddy and I are so proud of you little man!  This should be the end of pull ups for you!  That means you and Grace are in underwear 24/7! Yippie!  We are so proud of you both!  :-)

After breakfast together you three helped us clean up the downstairs since company will be here for lunch.  We swept/vacuumed all the floors and rugs.  Daddy cleaned the hardwoods.   We cleaned the kitchen and bathroom.  Then we set up a kid table/chairs in living room for you all to use for lunch.  ;-)

Once everyone was ready for the day, we headed out to Target for some quick groceries and lunch party supplies .... we're combining Mother's/Father's Day for the grandparents today.   :-)   We ordered pizza and chicken nuggets for everyone! 

By 11:45pm people started coming over .... we saw Uncle Brennan, Aunt Katie, Felix, Mimi, Grandpa Mike, Gigi, Grandpa Jim, and Uncle James.  Everyone had lunch and we had no leftovers!  Haha!  We gave everyone their gifts .... all the grandparents got water bottles with something significant to them on it. :-)  

After eating, we had some play time in the yard since the weather was so nice!  Then, we all came inside for some cookie cake before people had to leave. 

By 2:30pm we were upstairs having rest time.  Grace, you're the only one who actually took a nap.   Faith, I forgot to tell you .... you make car noises when you play with Joshua's toys.  It's cute!   ;-)

After rest time we made dinner.   Then we played downstairs and did Grace's memory card game and a puzzle.   Once we went upstairs we ran laundry and watched some television. 

So how did we do with our family goals this month ....

Goal - church twice a month .... accomplished 100% of goal
Goal - daily Bible reading .... accomplished 100% of goal
Goal - family outing once per quarter .... accomplished 300% of goal 
Goal - date night once per quarter .... accomplished 100% of goal
Goal - photography, or mandolin, practice 3 times a week (mommy) .... accomplished 77% of goal
Goal - guitar/banjo practice 3 times a week (daddy) .... accomplished 69% of goal
Goal - read a book a month (both) .... accomplished 400% of goal (daddy) and I accomplished 100% of goal
Goal - exercise 3 times a week (mommy) .... accomplished 85% of goal 
Goal - exercise 4 times a week (daddy) .... accomplished 118% of goal (and completed a half marathon!)
Goal - family exercise activity once a month .... accomplished 100%

Yippie for us!

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you all so much!


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