Friday, June 13, 2014

Check Up

Dearest Gifts~

You all slept in a little .... once daddy left I took a shower, ate breakfast, came back upstairs and you all were barely getting up.  :-P

After breakfast, you all played for about an hour until we headed out.  We went to preschool story time at the library.  The letter was F again and we learned more about frogs .... but the songs and stories were different than Monday.  ;-)

When we got back home, Mia was here.  She's taking classes at the Red Cross to learn about childcare, so she came over as a 'mother's helper' in training.  We all had lunch together, and then we played some Wii games until nap/rest time. I rocked Faith to sleep as Mia read Joshua and Grace stories.   Then, we headed to the pediatrician's office for Faith's 18 month check up!

Faith, here are your stats for today:
Weight - 22 lbs
32.5 inches tall
Head circumference - 46cm

Good news .... you didn't need any shots and you passed all your tests with flying colors!  You have great gross and fine motor skills.  You're small, but no one's worried about that .... we'd much rather you all be smaller weight wise then worry about childhood diabetes or obesity.  Bad news .... you're slow in your expressive language though you appears to understand and have receptive language skills.  Grace was like that too and then all of a sudden she became a chatter bug.  ;-)  So, we're going to keep monitoring you a few more months.  If you're still not talking a lot than I'll ask Quinn to do an evaluation.  You don't have another check up until age 2 so you have a little while to pick up those language skills.  ;-)  As Faith was getting her check up, Mia sat with you all in the room and gave you all snacks.  Also, you don't drink a lot of milk, but you get lots of calcium in your foods .... so the doctor was not concerned as long as you keep eating your cheese, yogurt, and other items.  :-)

After the pediatrician appointment we dropped Mia off at her house and thanked her for helping us out today.  Then, we headed home and made dinner.  Daddy got home right when we started to eat.  After dinner, we all went upstairs to relax and watch the World Cup!  It started yesterday.  USA plays on monday so this evening we watched Chile against Australia.  It started thundering as we were watching.  Chile won.

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you all so much!


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