Thursday, June 12, 2014

18 Months

Dearest Angels~

Today is Faith's half birthday!  Haha!  Now that she's 18 months old, she's due for a check up at the pediatrician.  So, we get to take her to the doctor tomorrow. 

Today was another school day.  Daddy dropped you all off and picked you up since I work 10 hour shifts.  Faith and Joshua waved at me from the window this morning as I was driving down the driveway.  I rolled down my window and waved back .... it was so cute and made my day!  Of course, everyone got kisses before I left too!  ;-)

You all had a good day at school, but no one apparently ate much.  Faith, you had a few more crying spells today, but you were fine overall.  Grace, you enjoyed your new classroom and even got a 'big girl' book bag that matches Joshua's.  Faith, you still have a tote bag, but you like it.  ;-)  You all made Father's Day gifts today and daddy got to bring them home.  :-)

I had a busy day at work since the other dentist was in a morning meeting.  My feet were tired when I got home, but once I saw you all everything was good!  Daddy helped me install Grace's new carseat in the van so we can use it tomorrow going to the pediatrician's office.  We ran laundry before bedtime.

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you all so much!


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