Friday, June 27, 2014

Appointment With Ultrasound

Dearest Angels~

Since daddy's car was in the shop, he worked from home this morning and watched Faith as I took Joshua and Grace to my OB appointment for Coconut and Cookie Dough.  They loved hearing the heart beats!  ;-)   We had Dr. Rush this morning, who was the one who diagnosed my pre-eclampsia with Joshua.  She was happy to see him this morning, and Grace!  ;-)
The appointment went well this morning (good blood pressure and urine was fine) but they sent me for a last minute ultrasound at 11:15am since the office is booked next week and I haven't had one in 5 weeks.  Whoa, that made the morning pretty busy since I didn't have a lot of time between appointments and we still needed to pack and load the van for our beach weekend.  My weight was around 156 lbs and I think she said I was 'measuring' (uterus size) around 30 cm, but I don't remember completely.  ;-)

My next appointment will be July 11th with my glucose testing.  After that, we'll be every two weeks with ultrasounds at each appointment.  By 32 weeks we'll have weekly appointments and they will go ahead and schedule my C section for 38 weeks at that point. 

The ultrasound this morning was to check growth.  From my calculations, we're one day shy of 25 weeks gestation, but the ultrasound was set up to say we are 25 weeks 4 days .... so I'm not sure which due date they are using for me.  I was using Oct 11th, from the first appointment we had.  But, this gestational age would put the due date at Oct 6th, which is what the Wake Med ultrasound was reading.  So, I will need to clarify this.  That would change the potential 38 weeks C section to Sept 22nd vs the 27th time frame .... which would make a difference since every day would count for the growth of the twins.  

Right now, you two weigh 1 lb 6 oz and 1 lb 8 oz .... which is only a 6% difference in size .... anything less than 20% is good.  Everyone went to the ultrasound so all 5 of us got to see Coconut and Cookie Dough.  :-)

After the ultrasound, we headed downtown to pick up daddy's car.  Then we left it at Gigi's house and had lunch there with Uncle James.  Once everyone ate, used the potty, and took more Tylenol (Faith was still warm) we headed to the beach!  It was around 2pm at this point.  We stopped at Wallace for potty break. 

We got to the condo around 4:30pm and unloaded.  Then, we made a little grocery list and picked up some items for dinner and breakfast tomorrow. 

We had a late bedtime setting up the air bed and getting everyone ready.  Joshua and Faith were still warm, so they both got some Tylenol before bedtime.  I hope everyone is 100% for our beach weekend!  We're staying at Carolina Beach .... This is where Gigi and Grandpa Jim met and got married!  Uncle James and I use to live here when we were babies.  ;-)

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you all so much!


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