Thursday, June 26, 2014


Dearest Blessings~

Today was another work/school day for us.  My coworker, Novelyn, picked me up this morning so I could get a ride to work.  Daddy used the van to take you all to school and go to work.  Today was a 'water day' at school, so everyone wore their bathing suits to school.   You all came to the front porch with your bathing suits on and said hello to Novelyn.  It was so cute! 

Joshua, you woke up wet this morning so your bed was stripped to wash all the sheets.  You've done really well so far though .... this is your first accident in about a month in big boy underwear 24/7.

Work went well today but I was tired at the end from standing.  I tried to sit when I could.  A coworker took my blood pressure and it was good .... 108/68.  Coconut and Cookie Dough have an appointment tomorrow so we need to pray for a continued healthy pregnancy.  :-)

Grandpa Jim took me home after work.  When we got here, everyone got kisses and you all played a little with Grandpa Jim.  Joshua started to feel warm, like Grace the other day.  We took his temperature and it was a low grade fever.  So, he had some Tylenol before bed. 

You all had fun playing in the water at school.  We ran laundry this evening so we could work on packing for the beach tomorrow.  I hope Joshua feels better tomorrow. 

Sleep tight little ones!  

I love you all so much!


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