Sunday, May 4, 2014

Day Outside

Dearest Blessings~

Everyone was up early this morning and eating breakfast a little after 7am.  So, we made it to church early.  Grace, you surprised us by going into your big girl church school class by yourself!  I'm proud of you!  Joshua, you went into your classroom too.   ;-)   You all played, made binoculars, and had a snack.  Faith stayed with daddy and I since she was congested.  We watched Gigi play in the praise team and then she sat next to us for the sermon. 

Afterward, we took you three out for a fun lunch at Big Al's BBQ!  ;-)   Everyone ate well and it was a fun treat. 

We got home around 12:30pm.  After a quick break we loaded you all up in the wagon and stroller.  We walked up to the shops near us and had a little ice cream break at Bruster's.  Joshua got a little chocolate cone and it melted pretty fast.  But you did well trying with your little cone.  Grace picked strawberry and didn't take one bite.  :-P   Daddy and I got a small chocolate chip cookie dough .... which was good.  We offered Grace all the flavors, but she didn't want any.  Faith, on the other hand, ate parts of all three!   ;-)

From there we walked to Ace Hardware.  We picked up some potting soil and some seeds so we can plant some flowers in little pots as a family.  :-)

By 3pm we were back home and upstairs resting.   By 4pm everyone in this house was sleeping but me.  I ran some laundry, read a little, took a shower, and picked some mandola!  :-P

After a quick dinner we played outside in the front yard.  You all helped us clean up the front porch. What beautiful weather we've been having.

Faith, you're babbling more these days .... I wonder when you'll start to say some real words.   ;-)

Before bedtime we played some Star Wars on the Wii.  You all like that game.  And, I guess that was fitting since today is Star Wars Day .... May the Fourth be with you!  ;-)

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you all so much!


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