Monday, May 5, 2014


Dearest Miracles~

The girls helped me drop Joshua off this morning at school.  Faith and Grace are still coughing, but everyone appears playful.  Once we got home, we did a lot of cooking.  You two had a snack as you helped me with my work lunches this week and dinner for tonight.  We cut up and cooked the chicken.  Then, we added it to some pasta to use for dinner.  In the meantime, we had my lunches cooking.

Then, we went upstairs to play.  I ran and folded some laundry.  You all watched a Mickey Mouse.  ;-)

Everyone did well for lunch though Faith had a small melt down since she was tired.  We went upstairs for naptime afterward.   Grace and I sang a few songs together before everyone fell asleep .... it was so fun and cute! She then sang for me some 'originals' that she had made up.  Ha!

We picked up Joshua once everyone was awake.  You had a great day at school little man.  You all are learning  about zoo and circus animals.  Everyone had dinner once home.  When daddy got here, you three had baths and then we played some more of the Wii Star Wars game before bedtime.  We've unlocked 11 out of 160 levels.   ;-)

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you all so much!


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