Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Dearest Miracles~

Today was a Gigi day for you three so I got you all ready early.  We were at her house by 7:15am, which is near my work so I was able to still clock in by 7:30am.  :-)

I had a good day at work but was busy .... my feet were tired once I got home.  Daddy mowed the lawn once he got home .... he got home before us.  

You all had fun at Gigi's house.  You all had art time and played outside. Sounds like Uncle James and Gigi were congested from us this past weekend .... oops!   :-P

Faith was really congested this evening and got medicine.  Then she curled up in our bed.  We had thunderstorms right at bedtime which started to scare Joshua and Grace some.  Thunder is just the angels bowling .... it will be ok.   ;-)

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you all so much!


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