Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Movie Day

Dearest Joshua David, Grace Elizabeth, and Faith Olivia~

I don't think Faith and I were able to breathe last night .... yuck.  I gave her some more medicine this morning.  As you all ate breakfast, I cooked hotdogs for later in the week and some sausage for a casserole for dinner.  After the girls helped me drop Joshua off at school, we headed to Harris Teeter for a quick grocery run .... we needed milk and some other small items.  When we got home, you all had a snack as I finished preparing the pasta casserole with the sausage from earlier and my lunch for work for tomorrow .... whew, that was a lot of cooking!

After, we relaxed upstairs with a VeggieTale movie since it was rainy outside and we couldn't breathe.  :-P

Everyone ate well for lunch.  Then we played downstairs as our casserole baked.   Grace pretended to be a dentist and looked for sugar bugs in Elmo's mouth!  I think Faith was her dental assistant .... it was so cute!  

It started thundering after lunch.  It got dark so we went upstairs for rest and nap time.  I took a nap with you two since I wasn't feeling well.  

Once we were all awake and ready, we picked up Joshua from school.  You had a great time and ate all your mac and cheese for lunch.  ;-)   When we got home, we ate dinner together and then relaxed upstairs watching more of the pirate VeggieTale movie.   :-)   Daddy got home a little before 7pm.  

So how did we do with our family goals this month ....

Goal - church twice a month .... accomplished 50% of goal
Goal - daily Bible reading .... accomplished 100% of goal
Goal - family outing once per quarter .... accomplished 0% of goal 
Goal - date night once per quarter .... accomplished 0% of goal
Goal - photography, or mandolin, practice 3 times a week (mommy) .... accomplished 91.7% of goal
Goal - guitar/banjo practice 3 times a week (daddy) .... accomplished 91.7% of goal
Goal - read a book a month (both) .... accomplished 600% of goal (daddy) and I accomplished 100% of goal
Goal - exercise 3 times a week (mommy) .... accomplished 117% of goal 
Goal - exercise 4 times a week (daddy) .... accomplished 125% of goal (and completed a half marathon!)
Goal - family exercise activity once a month .... accomplished 0% (too cold for walks)

Go team!

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you all so much!


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