Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Picking Flowers

Dearest Gifts~

The girls helped me drop Joshua off at school this morning.  Then, we came back here for some playtime upstairs.  I also ran the laundry and went on the exercise bike. 

You two helped me cook lunch.  As everything was cooling, we played with legos.  Faith is getting pretty good at stacking the blocks.  :-)  She wants to do everything that Grace and Joshua do .... it's so cute!

After lunch, we played.  Faith got a little cranky .... she was awake during the night so she was getting tired.  I put her down for a nap and then played with Grace.  Grace, you ended up taking a nap on me with your head on my belly!  Haha!  You two had a snack once you woke up before we had to head out to pick up Joshua from school.

Joshua you had a great day at school!  You all are learning about plants and how things grow.  For show and share this week, you're suppose to bring in something that grows outside.  So, once we got home, we played in the front yard some.  Grace and Joshua picked some flowers for school for friday.  :-)  Faith walked around with some toys.  After playing outside for about 30 minutes, we went inside to cook dinner .... what beautiful weather we are having! 

After dinner, we came upstairs and I did a photo session with you all.  Faith wasn't into it and started to cry.  I got a photograph to use for our 52 week photo challenge, but it isn't that great.  :-P  Oh well .... we still have a few days left this week that we can try again.  :-P

Daddy got home late around 7pm.  Faith was already in the tub.  Grace and Joshua got baths after and everyone got their nails cut before bedtime.  

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you all so much!


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