Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Gigi Tuesdays

Dearest Precious Children~

Today was a Gigi day for you three and Grace was awake bright and early at 6:05am.  :-P  Faith and Joshua weren't that far behind.   Since you three were up so early we were at Gigi's house a little before 7am.  Whoa!  I clocked into work a little early too.  I start seeing patients at 7:30am and got to work around 7:20am.  ;-)

I had a fun day at work.  We celebrated the other dentist's birthday with a cookie cake. Her birthday was this past Sunday.

You all had fun at Gigi's.  You had art time with Uncle James and made paper eggs for Easter.  You all also watched Frozen again.  When Grandpa Jim came home from work, you all went on a walk since the weather was nice.  You all picked little flowers and we brought them home with us. 

Quinn saw Joshua and did a re-evaluation since it's been a year.  You did well little man!  She's recommending another 6 months but you're doing so well!  She wants to practice your 'l' and 's' a little longer.  We're so proud of you!

We got home right after daddy at 7:30pm. Grace and Faith fell asleep on the van ride home.  Grace stayed sleeping as I brushed her teeth!  Daddy put her straight to bed.  Faith woke up when I brushed her teeth and changed her diaper .... it took her a while to go back to sleep.  We got Joshua ready and put him to bed once the girls were settled.  :-)  I'm so glad you all are having fun on your Gigi Tuesdays!  ;-)

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you all so much!


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