Thursday, April 3, 2014


Dearest Precious Children~

Today was a work day for me.  Faith was sleeping as I was leaving.  Joshua and Grace were just waking up.  You all had a daddy day while he worked from home.  :-)

I had a hectic day at work.  One dental assistant (DA) took PTO (paid time off) since her daughter had a daughter over the weekend.  But, since it was last minute PTO, we couldn't move patients around to help our schedule.  And then, another DA went home sick.  So, the other dentist and I were running four columns of patients with only two DAs.  Ugh!  I got home late .... it was 7pm.  :-P

Everyone got kisses when I got home.  You all had fun today, though Joshua got in trouble for not listening a few times.  :-P   We also did an earlier bedtime since no one but Faith napped.

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you all so much!


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