Wednesday, April 2, 2014

BBQ Chicken And Cheerios

Dearest Miracles~

The girls helped me drop Joshua off at school this morning.  It will take some getting use to with my new schedule.  I now work tuesdays and thursdays .... and I watch you all mondays, wednesdays, and fridays.  :-)  I had to reset my alarm so that I had the right times for these days!  Ha!

Once we got home, the girls helped me prepare and start the crock pot for dinner.  We're making a BBQ chicken recipe.  Grace helped me cut some of the onion and put it in the pot.  Faith wanted to help so she threw a Cheerio in there.  I think I got them all out when she wasn't looking.  ;-)

Then, we headed upstairs to run laundry and play.  I did a quick 60 minutes on the exercise bike as you all played.  I also made an appointment for this saturday .... my hair is finally long enough to donate, so I'm getting it cut!  Woo hoo!  It will feel so much nicer with short hair for the warmer months!  Speaking of which, today was a beautiful day in the upper 70s!  ;-)

You two ate well for lunch.  Then we had nap and rest time.  Faith fell asleep pretty fast.  Grace noodled around and watched the trash truck through the front windows.  ;-)  She eventually napped. 

Once you all woke up, we went upstairs for a little bit of play time.  I picked some guitar.  Then we picked up Joshua from school.  You had a great day at school today little man.  You all are working on the letter 'W' this week.  You were outside on the playground when we came to pick you up .... what a beautiful day!

You three ate great for dinner.  You all had apples, corn, chicken, and cheese .... yummy!  We were upstairs and folding laundry when daddy got home.  This evening, you all got baths and nails cut before bedtime.  :-)

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you all so much!


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