Saturday, February 15, 2014

Tickles And Giggles

Dearest Angels~

Faith, you were awake crying and crying very early this morning.  I don't know what time you went back to sleep.  Grace, you woke around 5am crying and then went back to sleep.  I was tired this morning!

Today was a cold and rainy morning .... but it eventually warmed up after lunch.

We all had a relaxing breakfast and then ran some laundry.  We played with legos downstairs and you all built castles.  We went to Target for groceries by mid morning and you all each ate a cookie.  It was good to get out of the house after being inside for days because of the snow. 

We were back home for lunch and everyone ate well.  You all had a small amount of playtime before going upstairs for the UNC basketball game .... we won!

Afterward, we watched a lot of Olympics afterward .... skiing and speed skating.  Faith fell asleep on me and I enjoyed the moment.  :-)

Mimi and Grandpa Mike came over around 5pm to watch you all as daddy and I had a dinner date. Your Mimi continued to disrespect our parenting decisions on certain things.  It's really sad that she acts so immature.  I was not the one who called them to come over .... my choice would always be for Gigi, Grandpa Jim, and Uncle James to watch you all .... they have never disrespected us or our parenting. 

Once back we were back home, you all had a much needed bath and got your nails clipped.  Joshua and Grace have found a way to noodle an extra story into the bedtime routine .... you all each pick out a story, but now you also pick one out for Faith too.   ;-)   How sneaky.   :-)   Also, we have added tickles to our bedtime routine .... I always want to hear your laughs and giggles as one of the last things before I drift off to sleep .... they are so sweet and precious.

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you all so much!


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