Sunday, February 16, 2014

Book Store

Dearest Blessings~

We were up early and made it to church with time to spare.  Joshua went to big boy church school.  Faith went to the nursery. Grace wanted to sit with us in the big church.  We saw Gigi play in the praise team.  And, we got to sit with Grandpa Jim and Uncle James.  During the sermon, we got a text from the nursery .... Faith wasn't feeling well so we picked her up.  Grace came with us and we visited with Gigi until the sermon was done.  Joshua, you learned that God loves all of us! 

Once we got home, we all ate lunch.  Then, we played downstairs.  I pretended to be a tickle monster and chased you all around.  ;-)  I love hearing your giggles!  Then, I tried to do a photography session with you all.  I put you all in a tent downstairs.  The batteries in my flash were dying, but I think I got a good shot.  :-)

Afterward, daddy went on the treadmill.  I wanted to have some fun with you all, so we loaded up and headed to the used book store.  We picked up Uncle James on the way.  Joshua and Grace each picked out a book.  We got a DVD for Faith.  I picked out a book for myself and for daddy.  We looked at all the books, music CD's, DVD's, and Wii games while there.  You all love walking around that store.  :-)

We went to Gigi's house after to visit and play.  You all got to see Uncle James, Gigi, and Grandpa Jim while there.  Joshua and Grace used the potty there before we left to head back home. 

When we got back home, we played and then had dinner.  We stayed downstairs after and did a lot of playing together and tickling. I love your giggles!  Joshua and Grace were so funny rolling around.  I tried to get you all to do somersaults.  ;-)  We watched some more of the Olympics right before bedtime .... bobsled and snowboarding.  :-)  What a fun day together!  

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you all so much!


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