Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Dearest Joshua David, Grace Elizabeth, and Faith Olivia~

Snow Day!  No school and no work!  Woo hoo!  Daddy still worked from home, but the rest of us played!

We had a relaxing breakfast together and took photographs of the snow outside.  Then, I took some pictures of you all!  I took you all upstairs for some playtime and picked some tenor guitar.  By 10:30am, we were playing Mario Brothers in the playroom.  I put it on 3 players again with Grace and Joshua.  Faith, you just walked around with your controller.  You all are getting better at this game.  ;-)

By 11am we went downstairs and made 66 sugar cookies.  ;-)  Everyone ate their lunch, so everyone got two freshly baked cookies each.  :-)  Joshua and Faith got a second dose of medicine afterward and then we all had rest time.  Faith fell asleep in her crib pretty quickly. 

I did 60 minutes on the exercise bike as you all had good naps.  Hopefully everyone will feel better soon.

You all ate well for dinner.  After eating, we bundled up and 'played' with the snow very briefly.  We didn't want you all out there long since people were sick.  I stayed out there long enough to take your pictures and then Faith and I went back inside.  Joshua and Grace stayed out a little longer with daddy but then came in.  You all each threw a snowball at the trash can.  ;-)  

This evening we played some Mario Brothers.  Daddy put the UNC basketball game on the computer since it wasn't televised because of the weather .... the crews couldn't make it out there in time for the television slot!  Oh well .... at least we won!    

Work has a delayed opening tomorrow .... so we can sleep in .... ha!  ;-)  What a fun time with you all today!  I thoroughly enjoyed my 'snow day' with you all playing at the house with no work!

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you all so much!


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