Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Snow Coming Down

Dearest Blessings~

It's suppose to snow this afternoon so the public schools canceled classes today.  That means we don't have speech with Gloria today.  Quinn will come early before the snow comes in.

This morning we relaxed and played downstairs.  You all helped make a few more mailboxes for Valentine's Day and we hung them on the fireplace. 

Everyone was congested and sneezy today.  Even my own throat hurts and ears are clogged .... yuck!  I hate when everyone is sick!

Quinn came over before lunch.  You did well despite your congestion, little man.  You worked on 'l' and 's' sounds.  

We ate lunch after.  Joshua and Faith got some medicine and then we attempted rest time.  Grace was the only one who napped at first.  Faith, you were surprisingly active with your runny nose!  You finally fell asleep around 3pm.  Joshua, you never napped, but you did rest.

Daddy came home after lunch since the weather was suppose to get bad.  We all played as daddy did some work on the computer.  Then, it started snowing at 5:30pm!  The cul-de-sac and driveways were covered by 8:30pm.  The roof tops were pretty in the snow.  We played this evening and watched the snow come down.  I did a quick 60 minutes on the exercise bike before bed while you all played

Joshua and Faith got medicine before bed.

I had insomnia after everyone went to bed. So, I set up the tripod and took pictures of the snow.  This was my first time trying 'night photography' .... I used a release trigger.  :-)

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you all so much!


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