Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Last Mileage Club

 Dearest Miracles~

Happy Tuesday! Today was a work and school day for everyone .... except Grace. Grace, you didn't have a test today, so you stayed home and played.

Twins, you also didn't have a test, but you all played at school. Haha! Faith, you had your Math EOG today. Joshua, you had your Science EOG today. And, I gave Joshua his hand written encouragement card this morning .... so all 5 of you all got a little note from me before a test. ;-)

Faith, Jacob, and Jeremiah .... this was your last Mileage Club of the year.

After school I took you all to Taekwondo Sparring class. This is the late class on Tuesdays and we always leave sweaty! Whew!

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you all so much!


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