Sunday, June 16, 2024

Camp Durant Summer Camp

Dearest Precious Angels-

Today's the day .... the girls and I packed up the van and headed to Camp Durant. We're in the Dogwood campsite (side B) and spent the afternoon checking in, loading our canvas tents, and then seeing a campfire presentation by the staff. We didn't get to bed until midnight. Whew!

Tomorrow all the classes start! I'm going to put in this letter all the updates that I sent people about this week. Oh, and Happy Father's Day!

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you all so much!



June 17th-22nd:

Day 1 of Scout Summer Camp at Camp Durant started out rainy, but it quickly ended allowing our Troop to be the first morning Color Guard of the season! 😍

Today is packed with many Scout adventures ranging from Scout skills with the Trailblazer Program .... shooting sports with archery, shotgun, and rifle 🎯 .... handicrafts with pottery and sculpture ⚱️ .... ecology with nature and environmental science πŸ› .... swimming, first aid, ATV, and stand up paddleboarding. πŸ€—

This afternoon several girls will be participating in the Mile Swim class and practice swim. 🏊🏻‍♀️

Proud of these busy girls! πŸ₯° Go Disco Dinos Patrol! πŸͺ©πŸ¦–

God is good! πŸ˜€


Day 2 of Scout Summer Camp here at Camp Durant .... a lesson we have learned and are still learning .... water is our friend! πŸ’¦πŸ₯€ It's been hot here and continues to be hot into day 2. It doesn't take long to sweat through your clothes while walking around to merit badge classes. πŸ₯΅

Speaking of walking .... Step Update! 🚢🏼‍♀️
Sunday - 23K steps
Monday - 24.5K steps
I wonder what the total will be by the end of Scout Summer Camp! πŸ€”

The girls continue to have a good time .... about half are now taking the practice swims so they can complete the Mile Swim on Friday. 🏊🏻‍♀️ A few have been shopping in the Trading Post. πŸ’²

Last night was the Staff vs Scoutmaster softball game. The Scoutmaster team won! πŸ˜€

The girls have made friends with our campsite neighbors .... another Girl Troop from North Carolina! πŸ€—

We had to dance for our breakfast this morning .... our Troop sent Faith to represent us. πŸ’ƒπŸΌπŸ€£ Then, she lost Tooth #I at breakfast! πŸ¦·πŸ˜‚

Go Disco Dinos Patrol! πŸͺ©πŸ¦–πŸ₯°

God is good! πŸ˜€


Well well well .... the afternoon of Day 2 yesterday got exciting! A baby deer came through our campsite before we headed to our afternoon merit badge classes! 🦌πŸ₯°

Ya'll .... I got to fire a shotgun and rifle for the first time! πŸ˜† It was so much fun and I actually hit a few targets! 🀣

The evening was filled with fun .... from open swim at the lake, to open archery, to movie night .... there was something for everyone. I personally got to do some archery with 3 Scouts in our Troop and thoroughly enjoyed spending time with them and having fun! 🎯

Oh yeah .... Step Count
Tuesday: 26K steps

Ok ok ok .... on to Day 3 thus far of Scout Summer Camp here at Camp Durant! Wednesday .... Hump Day 🐫 .... the day when Scouts generally start to feel some homesickness. 😞 To help with that, it's Wacky Wednesday here at Camp! Our girls did it right from the shirts they are wearing to the hats on their heads .... some even brought wigs. 🀣

We had to send our shortest Scout out to compete for our spot at breakfast .... we sent Grace W to represent us and she was surprisingly taller than a lot of the smaller boys here. Haha! 🀣

And .... our girls quickly lashed together a tripod station to show off some Scout Skills before breakfast. They even added a little disco ball! πŸ˜‰

I enjoy walking around and spotting these girls having fun in class .... sometimes they spot me with my camera! πŸ€£πŸ“·

Go Disco Dinos! Let's see where Day 3 takes us ....
God is good! πŸ˜€


Come one come all! Day 3 at Scout Summer Camp yesterday ended with a Carnival! 🎑🎠

But, before we get to that, let's fill you all in on the afternoon activities from yesterday .... service projects, Merit Badge classes, Mile Swim practice, and more! πŸ‘€

After lunch our Troop participated in a service project helping to clean up the Frisbee Golf Course .... specifically trimming the overgrown areas. πŸ₯ The girls then scattered to their respective Merit Badge classes .... where I got to watch two of our Scouts bandage each other in First Aid. πŸ©ΉπŸ€•πŸ€£

Once classes were over, some girls went to the Trading Post while others participated in the Mile Swim practice. πŸ’²πŸŠπŸ»‍♀️

That brings us to the camp wide Carnival and Cobbler Cook-off to end Day 3. Our girls had fun going down the water slide, playing a trivia relay, untangling themselves from the human knot, and winning in beach volleyball (we have a ringer in the Troop). πŸπŸ˜‰

A classic campfire, s'mores, and flag retirement ceremony with our new campsite friends from Troop 241G closed out the evening to end Day 3 of camp. 😴

Step Count Update
Wednesday: 21.5K steps

Which brings us to today .... Day 4 of Scout Summer Camp here at Camp Durant!

And .... what do I see? πŸ‘€ Our Troop got to serve breakfast in the Dining Hall this morning! πŸ₯žπŸ₯“πŸ₯°

Let's see where Day 4 takes us! Go Disco Dinos Patrol! πŸͺ©πŸ¦–

God is good! πŸ˜€


Look! πŸ‘€ Up in the sky! Is it a bird? Is it a plane? πŸ€”

No .... it's Super Hero Day here for Day 5 of Scout Summer Camp! 🦸🏼‍♀️

But before we get to that, let's fill you in on what happened yesterday for Day 4. Yesterday was the last day of Merit Badge classes. Our girls worked really hard this week and accomplished a lot! πŸ€—

Once classes were over we got to throw Tomahawks or go rappelling before gathering for dinner. 🎯πŸͺ“

The evening was filled with rifle shooting and drinking Slush Puppies. πŸ₯€πŸ˜€

Not a bad way to end a week of classes. πŸ₯°

Step Count Update 🚢🏼‍♀️
Thursday - 21.5K steps

Now .... onto Day 5 here at Scout Summer Camp here at Camp Durant. We are assembling a team .... a team filled with the finest Super Heros you can find to save the world! And that team is us! Troop 321G! We dressed Faith up in Wonder Woman gear to represent us and the Justice League! 🦸🏼‍♀️ And with her help we'll soar through this day with all our strength! πŸ’ͺπŸ»πŸ€—
Come and gather round fellow Super Heros and let's finish this Scout Summer Camp week strong together! Bring on Day 5! 😊

Go Disco Dinos Patrol! πŸͺ©πŸ¦–

God is good! πŸ˜€


Scout Summer Camp has come to a close. Now that we're all back home and running our piles of laundry, I really should update you all on our last day yesterday .... and I couldn't be prouder of these girls .... they finished Day 5 of Scout Summer Camp here at Camp Durant strong! πŸ’ͺ🏻

The morning was filled with Merit Badge class make up sessions. A few girls went and finished up any open requirements. They completed a lot of Merit Badges! Go Disco Dinos! πŸͺ©πŸ¦–

By mid morning the Mile Swim took place at the waterfront. We had 50% of our Troop participate and complete the Mile Swim .... 3 Scouts and 2 adult leaders! Grace W and I were a part of that group (mom brag! πŸ˜‰)! Go us! 🏊🏻‍♀️πŸ₯° And our Troop was the fastest and won! πŸ˜‰ And I'm actually not kidding with this one .... I was the fastest swimmer there! πŸ₯°

In the afternoon we participated in the camp Tomahawk Race! πŸͺ“ These girls tried their best and attempted things they've never tried before during this race .... activities consisted of canoeing, basketball, lashings, tomahawk throw, metal forge, RC car racing, shotgun, archery, etc .... these girls were tired after racing around camp to the activities so we ended with some Slush Puppies at the Trading Post to celebrate all their accomplishments! πŸ’ͺ🏻πŸ₯°

Oh .... our Troop was awarded the Spirit Stick at breakfast! 😍 We had to add something to the stick and then return it at dinner. These girls are so creative .... they added streamers to create a Disco Ball πŸͺ© look to represent our Patrol. We then added a Dino πŸ¦– and Blue Phoenix to show the friendship we made between our Troop and Troop 241G (the Blue Phoenix Patrol). ❤️

At our evening campfire, we were recognized as an Honor Troop and had two girls get called out during the OA service (Grace W and Aubrey).

Oh yes .... Step Count Update: 🚢🏼‍♀️
Friday- 23K steps
Total Step Count at Camp: 140,818
Average Steps Per Day: 23,470

I can't tell you all how proud I am of these girls! If there was an activity to do at Camp, they joined forces to try it and get it done .... Flag Ceremony Color Guard, served breakfast, service project, Mile Swim, Tomahawk Race, Honor Troop, Spirit Stick, Duty to God, Camp Durant Scoutmaster Merit Badge, themed days .... these girls are awesome and I feel so blessed I was able to be apart of this week with them! πŸ₯°

Go Disco Dinos Patrol! πŸͺ©πŸ¦–πŸ˜Š

God is good! πŸ˜€

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