Monday, July 14, 2014

Needs Vs Wants

Dearest Children~

What early risers you all are!  Everyone was up before 7am so I had enough time to put some lasagnas together this morning and clean the kitchen as you all ate breakfast.

We made two lasagnas .... one to eat this week and one to freeze to have when Coconut and Cookie Dough come.  I'm going to try to freeze a meal a week over the next two months to help us in the future.  :-)

Once everyone was ready for the day we headed upstairs for some playtime.  I had just enough time to go on the exercise bike before we had to leave for story time at the library. 

Today's lesson was about 'saving, spending, and sharing' with the letters 'N' (needs) vs 'W' (wants).   We learned about saving for things that we want, and using what we have to help our needs.  This lesson is important for everyone .... young and old. In fact, when I got home, I cancelled our satellite radio in the van since that money could be better used on 'needs' .... especially with twins coming! 

You all ate well for lunch .... I was surprised at how much apple you all ate.  :-)   You all helped me with some chores downstairs after.  We swept everywhere and vacuumed the downstairs.  Then, we set up the double 'snap n go' stroller we got yesterday and fit our infant car seats in there.  Faith wanted to crawl in.  These infant seats, double strollers, and twin nursing pillows are making this twin pregnancy seem even more real!  Sometimes I'm still in a state of shock when I think about twins!  

Everyone had rest time after but by 2pm you three were still wiggly.  :-P   By 2:30pm Joshua and Grace were napping and Faith was wide awake in her 'pack and play'.  I was exhausted, so I closed my eyes near Grace.  I woke up about 30 minutes later to find Faith buck naked in the pack and play with a poopy diaper next to her.  Ugh.  So, I cleaned her up and the pack and play.   When I took her out, she immediately went over to Grace and poked her on the head.  Needless to say, naptime was over.  :-P

After an afternoon snack we came upstairs.  I played some Mario Cart with Joshua until daddy got home.  Joshua, you're getting pretty good .... I don't know how you did it but you came in 2nd on one race!  Wow!

We ate dinner once daddy got home and then relaxed this evening.

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you all so much!


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